#8 Ambiguous Standards of Protest
From An Institute Within an Institute, 1970
This collection features objects with ambiguous standards used in various acts of protest. These objects refer to the palpable properties of the physical and social world.
The objects of protest in this crate are anchored in reality through their symbolic properties. Whether they were chosen consciously or arbitrarily, their practical availability and convenience were decisive factors. Having the most appropriate qualities—such as size, material, function, reference, accessibility, or price—these commonplace objects take on new meaning in the act of protest.
Reflecting the public’s discontent about particular instances of injustice, common threats, events, or institutions, the objects have become standard-bearers of contemporary resistance and protest. Although they are ubiquitous and thus innocuous by nature, they might eventually be labelled suspicious and incriminate the bearer.
Contents (14 objects listed in alphabetical order): banana, black hoodie and Skittles, bra, cloth hanger, eyepatch, house keys, mirror, pencil, pot/pan, toilet brush, yellow rubber duck, yellow umbrella and yellow vest. A video showing objects in rotation with their specs and contextual information.