#5. Ambiguous Standards of Experience: Duration
A considerable amount of time and energy is spent on the exact measurement, minute fragmentation, and perfect synchronisation of time, especially in the last two centuries. The relativity of time is not solely an issue of sciences but contextual affections.
The diverse collection of objects in this crate, such as the chronometer and the alarm clock, demonstrates that time can be measured and fragmented with precision. On the other hand, time can also be manifested through relational perception and cultural connotations, as exemplified by the egg timer or the prayer clock.
On the LED screen, ephemeral fragments and ambiguous enunciations of time are described by phrases and expressions such as “the blink of an eye,” “near future,” and “short notice,” whose exact mathematical conversions are difficult, if not impossible, to determine.
Contents (24 objects in alphabetical order): alarm clock, banking queue ticket, birth control pill dispenser, candle clock, chess clock, countdown clock, egg timer, electrical outlet timer, hourglass (1, 2 and 3 minutes), medicine reminder, metronome, military discharge countdown clock, military discharge tally, one-hour timer, parking meter, pasta timer, pillbox, prayer clock, rotary day counter, sandglass, service bell, stopwatch, tea timer, tooth brushing timer, world clock and LED screen with temporal expressions.